Monday, October 19, 2009

Good news

for people who are fans of Kaishaku's massively enjoyable (well, massively enjoyable to me, at least :D) new Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian action-yuri manga,

but who don't want to (or can't) spend an arm and a leg to import it from Amazon JP each month. Akadot's carrying Young Ace issue 4 now (which contains ZSSA chapter 1), and, hopefully, they'll stock future issues. ^^ Akadot tends to take longer than Amazon JP in stocking new issues of Japanese magazines (like Newtype), so if you really, really want it (or need it) right after it comes out, Akadot isn't the best option, but if you're willing to wait a little longer (2-3 weeks) to get a copy, it's a good deal. It still isn't cheap, but it's about as good as it gets (in the country where I live, at least; I'm not sure what the international shipping rates are, although Akadot does ship internationally) for buying a Japanese magazine.


Yi said...

I really enjoyed Amnesian too. I love Chikane. ^ ^

Katherine Hanson said...

@ Yi- Same here. ^^ Chikane swordfighting = pure win