After the build-up last week, this week's episode was pretty thrilling. More Saber badassery, just about everything Rider and Waver did, and even Archer had a cool moment. Here's the recap!
And you know the drill.

See way the bottom of this post for a source. Can't link to where I found this doujinshi cover image anymore, since Melon Books removed it after they stopped selling it.
Hi I, do you remember the Irisviel/Saber pic in which Saber kisses Iri's hand? Well I'm actually doing a little doijin about that...Interested?
@Sha Yurigami- Sure! That sounds cute. When you're finished with it, just let me know. Thanks!
Have just finished drawing it, I will upload the doujin when I've scanned it today XD
Okay apparantly my scanner's got problems...Well that isn'r all that bad for I still have a little time XD
@Sha Yurigami- No worries. As you said, there's no rush. :-) Thanks for letting me know! I'm looking forward to reading it.
I knew that you wanted it and here it is XD have fun(by the way I'm doing another one soon maybe even longer XD)
@Sha Yurigami- Awwww. Cute!! Thank you for sharing. ^_^ If you don't mind, I'd like to link it in my next Fate/Zero post here.
And yay, more! I look forward to seeing that one too~
No problem just add my name when you've done it yes XD
@Sha Yurigami- I'll be sure to add your name. Thanks!
Actually I added my Name to the folder just now so please use this new one instead of the previous, please... when can we expect the next post ? :D
Just posted it! I used the correct link.
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